If you want to experiment with a MacOS system and use GNU/Linux on your machines, then it’s actually quite simple to setup a virtual instance of MacOS on VirtualBox. Instead of looking for a Hackintosh image, I tried using a Vagrant image and was able to boot into MacOS within minutes.

1. Prerequisites

  1. Install VirtualBox from VirtualBox’s download page
    Install additional dependencies: sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-utils virtualbox-guest-x11 virtualbox-guest-dkms

  2. Setup Vagrant by downloading the appropriate Vagrant DEB package from Vagrant’s download page

2. Meat

  1. Setup Vagrant image. In a shell, do the following:
mkdir vagrant
cd vagrant
mkdir macos
cd macos
vagrant init jhcook/macos-sierra
  1. Start the image!
    vagrant up

  2. Open VirtualBox and select macos_default_xxxxx VM and choose Show and it will bring up the GUI.
    Start the VM from VirtualBox in future.
    Default username and password is vagrant